Voorbeeldzinnen met ` confidentiality `. EN: My confidentiality protects your confidentiality. A basic security function of cryptography that ensures that only authorized users can read or use confidential or secret information. Hieronder vind je de vertalingen van het woord confidentiality in de meest populaire talen. Vertaling van confidentiality.
Klik op een van de vertalingen. Without confidentiality. Confidentiality is included in our general terms and conditions. We treat all your documents with strict confidentiality.

We also ask our translators to respect the. Many translated example sentences containing " confidential translation" – Dutch- English dictionary and.
Je hebt gezocht op het woord: confidential. The Commission and the IAEA will ensure the confidentiality of information. Gebruiksfrequentie: 5. Kwaliteit: Niet zeker.

Each Competent Authority shall keep confidential to the extent permitted by the law of its own State. Nederlands - Engels op Glosbe. Generally, confidentiality is not a feature immediately associated with the printed.
Ferwerda in Aristoteles, Over voortplanting (Groningen ). Respect privacy, confidentiality, and anonymity 7. In de volgende paragrafen vindt u een vertaling van de ethische beginselen en de gedragscode met een. The encryption used by SSH is intended to provide confidentiality and integrity of data over an unsecured network, such as the Internet, although files leaked by. Geüpload door Emma Saying committed to confidentialityEnglish examples in context. Definition and meaning can be.

High quality example sentences with “committed to confidentiality ” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write. Even with confidentiality.
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